Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Day I Broke my Husband

This week has been full of firsts. But how is that unlike any other week lately?

First, on our way home on Memorial Day, the awesome Heather tweeted about the Runner's World Running Streak. Basically it was a challenge to run at least 1 mile each day from Memorial Day until the 4th of July.

LOVED the idea. So as I determined to do it and mentioned it to my hubby. Much to my surprise he said he would do it with me?! Yay!! I have been trying to get him to run with me for a while.

Now lest you start to think that I'm some uber-awesome runner (like Heather), let's make it clear that I am NOT. Last year I started the couch-to-5k and it was brutal. I completed it, and then knee, hip and shin pain made me shy away from running.

This spring I decided I wanted to run a 5k. But Mrs. "Set's the Bar" too high started a training plan for a 10k and it was aggressive. I was at the 5.0 mi mark, struggling, but determined to keep pushing through, when I twisted my ankle on the stairs one day, 2 weeks out from the race I was planning to run, and I was completely discouraged and bowed out.

So sad.

But, I was actually relieved! Goals and charts and 1 mile increases each week were too much for this novice. And while I wish I had run the 5k, I was glad to be off that training schedule.

I have to admit these 1 mile runs have re-fueled this new love of running I had established, before I got ambitious.

Second, the lovely Robin at fitmixer challenged me to do a Wall Stand Letter L in this week's bootcamp. When I watched the video, I literally laughed out loud. Are you kidding me??! And she made it look so effortless! But I wasn't fooled. I knew that was no small feat.

But it was a challenge. IT WAS ON! It wasn't the prettiest thing, but I did it. That is all. I did it.

She also wanted us to do Wall Kick Ups, but all I got done were some donkey kicks. Sorry Robin. Baby steps here, baby steps.

Little man decided to join in on the fun too:

Yeah, he did it like 15 times. Show off.

Hubby joined in too. He was determined to do a handstand. He did really great too.

So now you're wondering. How did the hubby get broken?

Wednesday's bootcamp was the Ancient Pyramid (don't you love these names?). It looked like this:

  •  Star push ups - 10 reps
  • Knee slappers – 20 reps
  • Snowboarder jumps – 30 reps
  • Calf raises – 40 reps
  • Everest climbers – 50 reps
  • Calf raises – 40 reps
  • Snowboarder jumps – 30 reps
  • Knee slappers – 20 reps
  • Star push-ups – 10 reps

  • After our run, I told him I was going to go do the bootcamp workout. He said he would do it too. Wow!

    So we are doing well. Working out side by side. A COMPLETE first. It was great. Yes, he was sweating buckets. I was at a distinct glow. No shocker there. And we got to the top of Everest. Sweet! I tell him, now we work back down.

    Except when I looked over at him, he had this strange look on his face. He was breathing hard. And he looked kind of......GREEN.


    Keep going, he said, as he walked away.

    I kept going, and going, and going. And then I finished.


    It finally occurred to me that MAYBE I should check on him.

    I found him in the bathroom, sitting on the floor.


    Hubby lost his cookies trying to do the Bootcamp!

    Sympathy from the boy.  I think he's praying for him here?...

    As much as I sympathized with him, 'cause it is NOT easy, despite how easy Robin makes it look....I think we've established that...I was feeling FIERCE!

    I could physically do something that HE couldn't! WHAT?!!!

    You have to know, that up until a few years ago, with work, kiddies etc, he has been THE athlete in this pair. Basketball, Baseball, Football - you name it, he rocked it.

    So this was a huge moment for ME! Yeah, not a highlight for my man. But HUGE for ME!

    Robin has also encouraged us to speak positively to ourselves. And I have to admit I have had LOTS of negative mind speak throughout my weight struggles.

    But my a-ha moment in this story was this: I am a STRONG, FIT, WOMAN! I can't compare myself to other great fit athletic types. In that regard, I am no where close. But compared to where I started :

    I am GREATLY improved.

    Oh yeah. I am going to marinate on that one a while. And try not to gloat about out doing the hubby.

    I said try....

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